This site is just a fun sorta parody, not everything in it is fact most of it isnt real at all. The products on the Product page are not real and cannot be bought. The Customer Service page is also fake...if you call the numbers given, they either will not work or you will get something other than said on that page. This site also is not copyrighted, nor Trademarked nor anything of that sort. I have no responsibility for any action taken wrongly on this site. In other words, if you do something stupid, like try to order ElvenBounce etc, and something gets messed up, I am not responsible for it.
On the other hand, products in the TinCan Shop are actually for sale. Products may be bought curtesy of Cafe Press. Please visit this wonderful site if you are interested in having your own online store, for free! The Banner for the site is to your right :D And please check out the store, very cool merchandise!