Behind the Scenes


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The woman behind it all

Meagan Reid was born a poor, ugly, albino-black girl in the Bronx and always had a dream of one day helping others like her, to become beautiful.  It all started one day while watching Lord of the Rings.  She became enchanted by Legolas Greenleaf's beautiful, never tangling, perfect, shiny hair and his beautiful, bright, dreamy, blue eyes and his altogether perfectness.  She vowed from then on that she would provide people, less fortunate than that fine Elf, with the necissary products to create a new, extravagently beautiful person.  She will continue to do so, even though she has been fatally diagnosed with Severeallergicaliocytinosisisis (allergies).  She proceeds not to let this dissability not to get in the way and wakes up each morning with a smile and will never frown cause frowns make frown lines and she would have to create a new product for lines and that is a good idea and..and.. Melkor, he blew up Varda Elentari and the Silmarils were cast into the fires of Mount Doom, and they were all decieved...(bangings and other horrific sounds including screams are heard in the background)

Well...on then...  Meagan dedicates herself to bringing you new products to improve your life and change your lifestyle!
TinCan products have been proven safe and affective but not necissarily non-addictive by the FDA and have been seen to show no side affects other than severe wrinkling, blindingly bright and shiny hair and wreckless driving.  Do not take these products if you are 18 or under or 19 and above.  10 out of 9 people will experiance slight dizziness and a high, happy feeling, along with drooling and insanity.

Meagan B. Reid